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Assignment on 

Measures to overcome the problems of adolescents


childhood and development



B.ed 1st Mathematics


Measures to overcome the problems of adolescents


            The term adolescence comes from the Latin word adolescere meaning “to grow” or “to grow to maturity”. The period of transition from childhood to adulthood is called adolescence. It is characteristically an important period in the life span, a transitional period, time of change, a problem age, a time when an individual searches for identity, a time of unrealism, and the threshold of adulthood.

Definition of Adolescence:

According to Hurlock (1981), “Adolescence begins when children become sexually mature and ends when they reach the age of legal maturity”.


The following are some of the notable problems of adolescents:-

ü Problems related to somatic variation:

Adolescents get bodily changes. They attain puberty during this period. The flow of blood during this period, lack of scientific knowledge about sex hygiene and physiology leads to guilty feeling and many other complexities among teenagers.

ü Inquisitive on sex:

Adolescents are curious to know about sex-related topics and are seeking answer to their innumerable doubts. In our society, parents are mostly unaware of explaining the sex related matters or shy about revealing them. Thus some adolescents resort to socially unacceptable ways to satisfy their curiosity.

ü Transitional conflict:

An adolescent is considered neither a child nor an adult. He has to depend on his parents for his needs; but at the same time he wants to hold independent views and opinions like an adult. Sometimes parents expect him to behave as an adult and at other times, they treat him as a child. This attitude makes him to have a conflict in mind about his status.

ü Adjustment problems with parents:

Adolescents want to be independent. But, often parents interfere in their choices and selections, for example, selection of friends, dress materials, recreational interests, study etc. So the adolescents find difficulty in adjusting to the needs and demands of the parents.

ü Adjustment difficulties with the communities:

Adolescents want to enjoy with their peers. But, they are expected to set the goal in life. So they are not able to fix up their mind whether to go with the goal or enjoy in a non-committed way.

ü Adjustment difficulties with school discipline:    

School imposes some restrictions on the part of adolescents; for example, they should not talk with opposite sex; they should have haircut etc. but they expect freedom. This makes them have adjustment problem with the school.

ü Financial problem:

Adolescents are not financially independent. Excess demand or parents’ denial of to give their pocket money make them have problems. So they sometimes steal parents’ money.

ü Conflicts between parental aspiration and aspiration of the children:

Without understanding the interest and abilities of children, parents force them to fulfill their expectation. When it is not fulfilled, they start quarrelling and as a result, some adolescents go away from home and commit suicide.

ü Problem related to physical appearance:   

Physical appearance and health are given by the adolescents. Adolescents with their underdeveloped or overdeveloped physique, handicaps diseases etc, develops various complexes and they feel isolated from the group.

ü Heterosexual adjustment problems:

Adolescents want to mingle with their opposite sex. The parents and teachers put restrictions on the part of youngsters to have even friendship with the opposite sex. These unsolved motives aggravate and as a result, they indulge in unwanted activities.


The following are the some of the suggestions to overcome the problems of the adolescents:

v Parents and teachers should explain to the children about the various aspects of growth and development related to specific periods. This would make them understand the changes occurring during the adolescent period- somatic change, social change, sexual change, emotional change, etc.

v Sex related doubts should be clarified to them.

v Adolescents develop secondary sexual characters. This development does not make them feel guilty if they are properly oriented.

v They need to be oriented about the menstruation cycle and hygiene.

v Adolescents should be respected and be give freedom to share their feelings and problems.

v Views of the adolescents also should be taken for decision making. This will encourage them to have cordial relationship with the parents and teachers.

v Based on the individual needs the curriculum and the co-curriculum are to be planned so that will all participate fully.

v ‘An idle mind is the devil’s workshop’. Constructive work has to be given to the teenager for streamlining his energy.

v Religious and moral education helps to reduce the restlessness, indiscipline, dishonesty and aimlessness among the youth.

v The vocational training has to be planned to make them self-sufficient in financial aspects.


Ø Educational program have to be planned in such a way as to accommodate the adolescents in a proper way. The following are some of the strategies for providing appropriate education to adolescents.

Ø Sex education should be imparted to the individuals for understanding their own physique and development, sex-related queries, etc.

Ø Adolescents’ needs and interests are different. The school should have proper library, play ground, art and craft rooms, etc to cater their needs.

Ø Adolescence is a period demanding respect and recognition. They should get involved in setting garden, creating department library, social activities, recreational activities, etc through which they develop a sense of recognition and responsibilities.

Ø Adolescent want independent in every action. Hence, the school curriculum must provide ample opportunities for self-study and freedom to select learning subject and materials.

Ø Guidance and counseling should b set at school to provide service to the needs and the aspirations of individuals.

Ø Schools have to differentiate between the discipline and freedom. They should not bring discipline in terms of all restrictions in their freedom.

Ø In schools healthy friendliness has to be encouraged between boys and girls, which may arrest the unwanted imagination about sex.

Ø Creative abilities have to be strengthened by rewards and awards.

Ø Adolescents initiate their role models. They should be encouraged to adopt the great personalities of the world as role models/

Ø A regular parent-teacher meet brings down majority of problems of an individual. They discuss the personal, educational, health and emotional adjustments of the individuals.


While every age has its own problems, those of adolescence are often especially difficult for boys and girls to cope with. Because of their inability to cope with problems alone as well as they believe they can, many adolescents find that the solutions do not always come up to their expectations. So he above strategies may help them to feel comfortable, understood and respected. They would be able to face he life with confidence and positive attitude. So every teacher needs to become their best friends and be supportive guides.


Dr.M.Manivannan (2010). “Understanding Educational psychology”. Hyderabad, Neelkamal Publications Private  Limited.